
Sunday, 29 September 2013


"If you're a Kanye West fan, you're not a fan of me. You're a fan of yourself. You will believe in yourself. I'm just the espresso, I'm just the shot in the morning to get you going, to make you believe you can overcome the situation you're dealing with all the time." - Kanye West

"My emancipation don't fit your equation." - Lauryn Hill
"Change the game, don't let the game change you." - Macklemore

"Build a home, teach a class, start a revolution. Free the mind, heal the body, talking evolution." - Jay Electronica

In his BBC Radio 1 interview, Kanye West mentioned that rappers started making hip-hop because they wanted to be anti-machine, they wanted to be the opposition, they were the underdogs. But they went through all this trouble trying to change the game that they ended up becoming the man, the establishment, the machine. Sometimes I want to burn Barbie dolls and crack iPhone screens because our generation has become so pro-mainstream. We're stuck in this loop of reblogging and hashtagging, letting the man into every aspect of our lives; texts, tweets, Instagrams and how long can that really go on for?

But initiatives like STR.CRD remind me that there are voices, that there are creatives, tortured artists who are going to raise their hands and speak a little louder. They're the skateboarders do backflips, activists crying about sexism, classism, racism, the rappers who aren't going to regurgitate subject matter about drugs and sex, they're the designers who stay underground and independent, not because that's why they're trapped or where they're waiting for mass corporation to pick them up but because that's where they're in control, where they are free.

[Outfit Post] Prints-ess of STR.CRD

glitter daiquiri, strcrd, str.crd 2013, str.crd street style, turban, mixed prints, printed denim, lennon sunglasses, blue lipstick, blue lips, eyeshadow lipstick, statement rings, tumblr girl, hipster

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! STR.CRD was pretty much every and a bag of chips. For years I'd spent hours online, looking at street style from STR.CRD events, awing at the wall art and the sneakers and finally I got to go this year.

For those of you not in the know (which I really can't comprehend since not knowing about STR.CRD is like not knowing about Oreos - who hurt you?); STR.CRD is South Africa's first and only street culture showcase. There's independent and urban labels there featuring the coolest of street culture - you know; sneakers, snapbacks, anything from a hip hop music video. Lots of local performers, skaterboarders and graffiti artists also are on display.

I had the hardest time this morning deciding what to wear. From everything I've ever seen at STR.CRD it seemed I was going to have to fall out of a Run DMC music video - it's tricky, it's tricky! It always seemed like everyone who went to STR.CRD all got the memo on boldy patterned leggings, over-sized denim jackets with buttons and patches sewed on them and hipster sunglasses - how does one sign up for that newsletter?

glitter daiquiri, str.crd 2013, str.crd street style, mixed prints, leather backpack, 90s style, retro, south african fashion, blue lipstick, blue lipstick black girl, leather bangles, mixed prints, khensani mohlatlole
glitter daiquiri, khensani mohlatlole, mixed prints, clashing prints, hipster, tumblr, str.crd, str.crd 2013, statement rings
glitter daiquiri, tumblr, sa fashion blog, str.crd, str.crd 2013, str.crd street style, sass diva, mixed prints, clashing prints, prints charming

Catch ya on the flip side, home slice
Khenzo xx

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